Evelina Hasa

Evelina Hasa

A hard working, highly motivated character, with a vast amount of experience, as Quality
Assurance/Control and Chemist in food, pharmaceutical and environmental laboratories.


Well organized, goal-oriented. Able to prioritize and effectively accomplish multiple tasks under

Very cooperative at group work and adapt to the company needs. A confident team member, able to
support and lead the group.

With a shaped technical mindset able to defend decisions made, based on logic facts and results.
Fast in learning and adapting to the work environment and colleagues. Guided by strong integrity and
loyalty principles.


  • University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Sciences at the Doctoral School - "Chemical Analysis of Matter and Environment"PHD in Chemistry
  • University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Sciences - Chemistry DepartmentMSc. - in Chemistry
  • University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Sciences - Chemistry DepartmentB.Sc. - in Chemistry


  • Evelina Hasa, Sonila Duka, Ervis Lika, Sidita Mançe, 2020, “A STUDY ON DIFFERENCES OF ALBANIAN Salvia officinalis L. ESSENTIAL OILS DEPENDING ON GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION”, International journal of ecosystems and ecology science (IJEES), ISSN 2224-4980, Vol. 10 (4): 609-616 (2020) https://doi.org/10.31407/ijees
  • Evelina Hasa, Sonila Duka, Ervis Lika, Sidita Mançe, 2021, “VARIATION OF ESSENTIAL OIL COMPOSITION IN ALBANIAN VITEX AGNUS CASTUS L. FRUITS RELATING GEOGRAPHIC POSITION”, International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES), ISSN 2224-4980, Vol. 11 (2): 315-320 (2021) https://doi.org/10.31407/ijees
  • Evelina Hasa, Sonila Duka, Ervis Lika, Enida Nushi, 2021, “VARIATION OF ALBANIAN SALVIA OFFICINALIS L. YIELD AND ESSENTIAL OIL COMPOSITION IN DIFFERENT HARVESTING SEASONS AND YEARS”, Research in Plant Sciences, 2021, Vol. 9, No. 1, 7- 12, http://pubs.sciepub.com/plant/9/1/2 Published by Science and Education Publishing DOI:10.12691/plant-9-1-2
  • Evelina Hasa, Sonila Duka, Ervis Lika, Enida Nushi, 2020, “VARIATION OF YIELD AND MAIN VOLATIL CONSITUENTS OF SALVIA OFFICINALIS L. ESSENTIAL OIL RELATING HARVESTING PERIOD”, Page 3 / 3 Online International Conference on Life Sciences (OICLS-20), ISBN 978-600-98459-6-5
  • Evelina Hasa, Sonila Duka, Sidita Mance, Enida Nushi, 2021, “CHEMICAL COMPOSITION VARIATION IN WILD AND CULTIVATED ALBANIAN SALVIA OFFICINALIS L. ESSENTIAL OIL’, 5-th International Conference on Applied Research in Science, Technology and Knowledge (STK CONF), ISBN: 978-609- 485-133-9.
  • Evelina Hasa, Sonila Duka, Ervis Lika, Sidita Mançe, 2021, “VARIATION OF ESSENTIAL OIL YIELD IN ALBANIAN VITEX AGNUS CASTUS L. FRUITS RELATING GEOGRAPHIC POSITION”, 5-th International Conference on Applied Research in Science, Technology and Knowledge (STK CONF), ISBN: 978-609- 485-133-9. § Coauthor to scientific monograph, "Inorganic Toxicity: Environment and human health"; Mata Gagan and Laura Gjylli; Scientific and teaching book; Lambert Academic Publishing; ISBN: 978-613-9- 90485-3; Sense Ranking: httpps://page.lap-publishing.com